Object Show Episode Archive
The Object Show Community (OSC) has produced a lot of shows over the years, many have already been lost, and many more will eventually be lost.
I started this project near the beginning of 2023, shortly after discovering the OSC's existence. and hope to preserve the OSC's history for many years to come.
This is an archive, and doesn't claim to own or have created any content contained within. These exist as a backup "just in case" and it is a far more ideal experience to view these on youtube.
If you notice any issues/have any suggestions/wish to contact me, please feel free to email me.
Object Show Episode Archive 2023:
.torrent via BTCACHE
4,229 episodes. 18,716 files, 187.4 GB filelist
BFDI Source Files 2023:
.torrent via BTCACHE
26.1 GB, 1,421 files, filelist
Object Show Episode Archive 2022: (OUTDATED/NOT RECOMMENDED)
Object Show Episodes 2010-2022 Part 1
Object Show Episodes 2010-2022 Part 2
Object Show Episodes 2010-2022 Part 3
Object Show Episodes 2010-2022 Part 4
Object Show Episodes 2010-2022 Part 5
Object Show Episodes 2010-2022 Part 6
Object Show Episodes 2010-2022 Part 7
Object Show Episodes 2010-2022 Part 8
Object Show Episodes 2010-2022 Metadata
~2,298 episodes, ~87.2 GB (Note: The internet archive derives additional .mp4 files for streaming purposes, bloating the filesize to ~130gb)
What are these files?
- .webp files contain the video thumbnails at time of download. In hindsight, maybe I should have converted them to .png because nothing supports this shitty format... I might eventually sort out a system to track thumbnail changes over time, and include a sort of "thumbnail history" but don't count on it.
- .description files contain the video descriptions at time of download. These may be empty or out of date, I'm not sure it's worth redownloading them to check for changes, but like the thumbnail thing, I might work on it if I have time or if enough people demand it or something...
- .info.json files contain various other metadata such as upload dates and stuff, it's mostly unimportant data though.
- .live_chat.json files contain the live chat, if it was available at the time of download. For reasons unknown to me, a lot of videos have lost their live chats since original upload? Additionally, I'm not aware of any easy to use tool to make playback of these live chat files possible, so they are currently included for preservation purposes, but ultimately useless.
- .vtt files contain subtitles in the Web Video Text Tracks Format (WebVTT) which is used by youtube. Though these should work in most media players just fine.
- .webm files contain the episodes ripped from youtube in the highest quality currently available. (a VP9 video stream + an OPUS audio stream) Although, these are only available on videos above an estimated ~3500 views.
- .mp4 files contain the episodes as a H.264 video stream + an AAC audio stream. It baffles me that any .mp4 files exist in the collection, since ALL videos on youtube, regardless of view count should have already been converted to having a superior .opus audio stream, and thus be .mkv files, but I guess some old videos still use the legacy formats exclusively.
- .mkv files contain the episodes as a H.264 + an OPUS audio stream. These files had low view counts at download time, and thus hadn't been converted to VP9 yet. I may redownload these in the future, and work them into a future update.
What is an object show?
There's a pretty good explanation on tvtropes you can read.
Credits, Shoutouts and Other Links:
Thanks to Green Lucky Block for maintaining his lovely "Object Shows" playlist. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLChgqMJogUh7yFm6ArR__s4Q9albCamI
Additional thanks to Cosmic Studios for maintaining their "2020+ Object Show Episodes" playlist. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHW_seJ6j2-dRwWr0irG2uQv2Uv2zBp5g
I maintain my own playlist for episodes missing from the above 2 playlists. Cabby's Missing Object Show Episodes
A HUGE thank you to the developers of yt-dlp. I wouldn't have been able to do this without their amazing youtube ripping tool. https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp
And a MASSIVE thank you to Cary and Michael Huang, for being such huge inspirations to everyone, without them, object shows wouldn't even be a thing, sending mad respect their way. https://www.htwins.net/
February 28, 2024
Added Torrent: "BFDI Source Files 2023"
Email: cabbythefilingcabinet@gmail.com!
Last updated: March 15, 2024
Everything is Copyright © to its respective creators, not that anyone should respect copyright law